Unfortunately we have had to make the difficult decision to cancel the June Annual Representatives Conference this year due to the COVID-19 virus. We are very mindful of the pressures on our members at the clinical frontline and do not wish to run an event which will pull members away from their work. We are also following the Chief Medical Officer's advice on gatherings and travel which currently advises that people should avoid all but essential travel, so attendance at conferences, events and meetings that are not essential should be avoided.
It is really important that Council is able to hear views from the representative groups and for these to influence the CSP's policies and direction. We have considered whether we are able to achieve similar outcomes via alternative methods and have decided this will not be possible in 2020, as all alternatives would take members away from delivery of front-line services. For clarity, we are not planning on holding ARC at another time in 2020.
We are hugely grateful to all the representatives who submitted motions this year and look forward to a successful conference in 2021